Executorship Services

Estate planning and business succession planning

You know that you need to plan for the future. How can you get make the right choices, to be sure you can afford to retire? How can you plan to be sure your loved ones are looked after?

Retirement planning is something that we look at with you from the very start. Bluett Byrne helps you set out the targets you need to achieve so you can move towards retirement with peace of mind. The same approach is used in our thinking on how you will plan for the passing on of your wealth and assets. It is never too early to plan for the future.

Executorship Services Estate Planning

If you are in business, you will spend much of your time planning for the success of that business. Day to day, your energy and focus is on building value and generating income. A time comes when it is important that you put the same thought into planning for how best to hand on your wealth to your loved ones.

Retirement planning is something that you will want to do long before you choose to stop working. We can set out the targets that make sense to you so you can move towards retirement with peace of mind. We use the same approach planning for the passing on of your wealth and assets.

Things to be doing now

Regardless of your age or the length of time to retirement, there are things you should be doing right now to prepare the ground for decisions later on:

  • You should prepare a Will if you have any business assets and are married.

  • Aim to update your Will every 10 years.

  • You should be paying into a pension fund and have put some thought into when you would like to retire; What will the pension fund need to be worth at that time to meet you needs?

  • You should start a conversation with Bluett Byrne about your ideas on how you want your assets passed on.

Bluett Byrne will help you by working out the tax consequences of your choices. This helps you make the right choices for you in the most tax-efficient manner.

Business Succession Planning

Just as every business is different, the way in which a business can be passed on will vary. Timing of the disposal is important. Tax reliefs and exemptions available need to be explored and weighed up. We would be delighted to talk to you about your plans. We have experience in assisting clients with their succession plans and can tailor a plan to suit your needs.

A Personal Service Is Vital

Your business is as individual as you are. Your plans for the future need to be designed in the same way.

Contact us today for a chat. We can act as co-executor for clients Wills if requested. It gives you extra peace of mind that things will be done right when you are no longer around to do it yourself.